Let's Start Your Own Business

Jul 20 2023, 9 am - 11 am
Jul 20 2023, 9 am - 11 am
The Employment Readiness Program offers a full schedule of classes and seminars designed to teach you the skills you need to get hired!
The Let's Start Your Own Business class will take place from 9-10:30am at Army Community Service, Bldg. 2494, Ricker Rd. on the following dates:
- January 20
- April 21
- July 21
- October 20
Registration Information
To register, call (915) 569-5838.
The Employment Orientation Class must be completed before taking any other employment classes. This is available every Tuesday at 10am at Army Community Service, Bldg. 2494, Ricker Rd.
**Ask About Free Child Care Vouchers**
Army Community Service (ACS)