- What we offer
Want to take charge of your finances? The Army's Financial Readiness Program (FRP) and Consumer Advocacy Services can help with comprehensive educational and counseling programs. Learn about debt, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Through classroom training and individual counseling, participants can learn how to save and invest money, establish savings goals, eliminate debt, and save for emergencies.
We offer:
- Financial Readiness Program (FRP). FRP provides comprehensive educational and counseling programs in personal financial readiness. The program covers indebtedness, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Other services offered include mandatory financial literacy, financial planning for transitioning Soldiers, financial counseling for deployed Soldiers and their Families, and the Department of Defense Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Program.
- Army Emergency Relief (AER). AER is the US Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress in the force. AER provides grants and zero-interest loans to active-duty and retired Soldiers and their Families. AER has supported over 4 million Soldiers since 1942. AER offices are conveniently located at installations around the world. Visit ArmyEmergencyRelief.org to learn more.
- Online Support and Education. Go to Financial Frontline for self-service financial literacy education and help.
Here are some other financial resources for Soldiers and their Families:
- Blended Retirement System. The Blended Retirement System (BRS) combines elements of the legacy retirement system with benefits similar to those offered in many civilian 401(k) plans. Get smart on retirement benefits with the Army Retirement Services Office and Joint Knowledge Online Training.
- Financial Readiness Affiliates
(Government Links)- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The TSP is a federal government-sponsored retirement savings and investment plan available to both federal civilian employees and members of the uniformed services. The TSP offers the same type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations offer their employees under 401(k) plans. The retirement income a TSP account provides will depend on working-year contributions and the earnings on those contributions. Learn more at the official Thrift Savings Plan website.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The CFPB makes markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. The CFPB gives consumers the information they need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies. Learn more about the CFPB, visit the CFPB on-demand forum and tools website, or order free CFPB publications.
(Non-Government Links, No Endorsement Implied)
- Better Business Bureau (BBB) Military Line. The BBB Military Line provides free resources to our military communities in the areas of financial literacy and consumer protection through the efforts of 112 BBBs across the US. Visit the BBB Military Line to learn more.
- Financial Readiness Program (FRP). FRP provides comprehensive educational and counseling programs in personal financial readiness. The program covers indebtedness, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Other services offered include mandatory financial literacy, financial planning for transitioning Soldiers, financial counseling for deployed Soldiers and their Families, and the Department of Defense Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Program.
- Class at Army Community Service
All classes are held in person at 2494 Ricker Road
Fort Bliss, TX 79916 unless otherwise notified.For more information about classes, call the Fort Bliss Financial Readiness Program (FRP) at (915)569-8376, or Army Emergency Relief (AER) at (915) 568-4706.
- One-on-One Appointments
Due to limited staffing, ACS can only conduct appointments for the items below.
- Unit Classes
For planning purposes, each topic is approximately 30 minutes.
- First Line Leaders Course (FLLC)
Provides leaders with the tools to identify Soldiers with basic financial concerns and serious financial issues that require referral to the Financial Readiness Program.
- Workshops
Provides Service Members, Retirees, and Families with Hands On Training resolve financial situations that would normally be resolved during a One-on One appointment.
- Department of Defense TouchPoints / Department of the Army Milestones
Service Members can go to https://olms.armyfamilywebportal.com/ to conduct the training and receive their Certificates of Completion that they must upload on their DPTMS training portal. For Transition also contact SFL-TAP Assistance at (915)568-7996 / 3870 / 4472.
During Reintegration (Post-Deployment) trainings ACS Financial Readiness will highlight items from the DoD Touchpoints / DoA Milestones and encourage people to complete the mandatory training.
Department of Defense TouchPoints / Milestones.
Most of these classes are available online at:
https://olms.armyfamilywebportal.com/Online classes are 3) TSP Vesting, 4) Promotion 5) PCS 6 ) Marriage 7) Birth and Adoption 8) Life Challenges (Divorce or Disabling Conditions) and 10) Deployment (Pre and Post). These online classes provide the DPTMS required Certificate upon completion. They also have the DoD and DoA Handouts for each topic.
We must teach the 9) CCFSPCC (Leaders Training) 11) Continuation Pay and 12) Transition in person because as of now they are not available online. ACS Financial Readiness will provide the Certificates of Completion for these classes.
- Overview
The Financial Readiness Program (FRP) offers FREE education, counseling and support services to assist members of the military community, Active Duty, Retirees, Survivors, and Family members, and Department of the Army (DA) Civilians with their financial affairs, including living within their means and investing for the future. Check out FRP on Facebook.
- Consumer Affairs
- Consumer Complaint Resolution - Have your consumer rights been violated? If so, you can file a DA Form 5184-R Consumer Complaint and submit it to one of our Financial Readiness Specialists. When filing a complaint please attach all relevant and supporting documentation, i.e. warranties, bill of sale, correspondence with merchant, etc.
- Junior Enlisted Family Center (JEFC)
The Junior Enlisted Family Center (JEFC) offers FREE clothing and household items, in addition to an emergency food pantry to active duty military families E5 and below.
To learn more, visit their Facebook page or call +1 915-263-7164.
- Survivor Outreach Services
This ACS Program also has Financial Wellness classes such as Basics of Investing, Home Buying, Consumer Scams and more. Click the HERE to find out what they have to offer.