An official army family and MWR Site

Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)

Changing the Army One Issue at a Time!

AFAP Overview and a Submission Information

The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is your platform to voice quality-of-life issues, feedback, ideas, and suggestions. It's the best way to let Army leadership know about what works, what doesn't, and how you think problems can be resolved. We give Active and Reserve Component Soldiers, Army Civilians, Retirees, Survivors, and Family members a primary tool to help identify issues and concerns and shape your standards of living.

You can submit issues at your garrisons Army Community Service office or online liaison. also facilitates AFAP issues online and makes sure your concerns get the attention they deserve. The information you submit gives Army leadership insight and helps foster a satisfied, informed, and resilient Army Community.

AFAP makes a meaningful difference. Since AFAP was created in 1983, over 698 issues have been submitted, resulting in 128 legislative changes, 186 Department of Defense or Army policy changes, and 210 improved programs or services.

Heres a sample of AFAP results:

  • Dedicated Special Needs Space in Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS)

  • Distribution of Montgomery GI Bill benefits to dependents

  • Extended educational benefits for Spouses

  • Dental and visual insurance coverage for Federal Employees

  • Medical Coverage for Activated Reserve Component Families

  • Military pay table (targeted pay raises)

  • Military Thrift Savings Plan

  • TRICARE for Life for eligible Retirees

  • Funding for Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (B.O.S.S.)

  • Active Duty Enlisted Soldier Compassionate Reassignment Stabilization

  • SGLI increases

  • Minimum standards for Army Child Care

  • In-state tuition for Military Dependents
    • To submit an issue or suggestion, go to your local Army Community Service office or click on this link
    • AFAP offers you, a member of the Fort Bliss community, the opportunity to improve life at our installation and the United States Army.
    • After you submit your issue, your issue is addressed through the AFAP process. During the year, it is sent to the agency or organization that can provide feedback about how to solve the issue. It is then included among the issues addressed during the AFAP Review Committee Meeting, typically held during the fall. Committee delegates that demographically represent Fort Bliss will discuss and prioritize what they think are the most critical issues. These issues are presented to the Garrison Commander for resolution.

Here are some tips that will help to make your issue understandable

  • Be specific. You do not have to include great detail, but the more detail you provide the better we can address your issue.

  • It is not mandatory that you include your name or email address. However, sometimes we may need additional information or clarification and may need to contact the individual submitting the issue. We are only able to do this if you provide that information to us. A first name and email address would be sufficient.

  • Make suggestions for improvements. Your suggestions will help to clarify your issue.

  • All issues are considered. However, it may take time for the results of your issue to be seen. You may always follow up on an issue through Army Community Service.

  • If you would like to confirm that your issue was received by the Fort Bliss Garrison POC, contact the Garrison AFAP POC at 915-569-5500.

  • List only one issue per form and please include your recommendation for a solution.

  • Issues can be submitted online by logging into Army Family Web Portal  , look for the Issue Management System tab on the left upper hand corner. Be sure to select Fort Bliss when submitting.

Fort Bliss Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Submissions
AFAP Issue Tracker

Purple Up for MCCASA 2025

Apr 5 10 am - 2 pm

EFMP Photos with the Easter Bunny

Apr 11 4:30 pm - 6 pm

2025 1AD & Fort Bliss Annual Volunteer Ceremony

Apr 22 11 am - 1 pm

Mother's Day Bowl With Your Hero

Celebrate Mom at Desert Strike Lanes!

May 11

Teen Hiring Fair

May 17 9 am - 12 pm

SFAC Information Fair

Jun 5 1 pm - 2:30 pm