- Art with Pamela
PARENT & ME ART CLASS // 3 to 5 years old
COST: $45 per month
DURATION: 45 minutes, once a week
DAYS/TIME: Mondays 5:45 – 6:30 P.M.
LOCATION: SKIES #2 131A Doniphan Road
INFO: 915-568-5544
ART CLASS // 6 to 7 years old
COST: $45 per month
DURATION: 60 minutes, once a week
DAYS/TIME: Mondays 4:30 – 5:30 P.M.
LOCATION: SKIES #2 131A Doniphan Road
INFO: 915-568-5544
ART CLASS // 8 to 18 years old
COST: $45 per month
DURATION: 90 minutes, once a week
DAYS/TIME: Wednesdays 4:30 - 6:00 P.M.
LOCATION: SKIES #2 131A Doniphan Road
INFO: 915-568-5544
ART CLASS // 11 to 18 years old
COST: TBD per month
LOCATION: Fort Bliss Teen Centers
INFO: 915-568-5544
** This class and time will change monthly depending on the instructor. **
To sign up for classes, visit Webtrac.
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